1. Zheng J.#, Lee Y. K.#, Babu P., Zhang P., Linga P.*; Impact of fixed bed reactor orientation, liquid saturation, bed volume and temperature on the clathrate hydrate process for pre-combustion carbon capture. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 2016, 35, 1499-1510.
2. Zheng J., Zhang P., Linga P.*; Semiclathrate hydrate process for pre-combustion capture of CO2 at near ambient temperatures. Applied Energy 2017, 194, 267-278.(2017年ESI高被引)
3. Zheng J., Bhatnagar K., Khurana M., Zhang P., Zhang B.Y.*, Linga P.*; Semiclathrate based CO2 capture from fuel gas mixture at ambient temperature: Effect of concentrations of tetra-n-butylammonium fluoride (TBAF) and kinetic additives. Applied Energy 2018, 217, 377-389.
4. Zheng J.#, Zhang B.#, Wu Q., Linga P.*; Kinetic evaluation of cyclopentane as a promoter for CO2 capture via clathrate process employing different contact modes. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2018, 6 (9), 11913–11921.
5. Zheng J.#, Loganathan N.#, Zhao J., Linga P.*; Clathrate hydrate formation of CO2/CH4 mixture at room temperature: Application to direct transport of CO2-containing natural gas. Applied Energy 2019, 249, 190-203.
6. Chen B., Sun H., Zheng J.*, Yang M.*; New insights on water-gas flow and hydrate decomposition behaviors in natural gas hydrates deposits with various saturations. Applied Energy, 2020, 114185.
7. Zheng J., Chong Z. R., Qureshi M. F., Linga P.*; Carbon dioxide sequestration via gas hydrates: A potential pathway towards decarbonization. Energy & Fuels 2020, 34 (9), 10529-10546. (ESI高被引,被引300余次)
8. Kim H., Zheng J.*, Yin Z., Kumar S., Tee J., Seo Y., Linga P.*; An electrical resistivity-based method for measuring semi-clathrate hydrate formation kinetics: application for cold storage and transport. Applied Energy 2022, 308, 118397.
9. Liao Y., Zheng J.*, Wang Z., Sun B.*, Sun X., Linga P.*; Modeling and characterizing the thermal and kinetic behavior of methane hydrate dissociation in sandy porous media. Applied Energy, 2022, 312, 118804.
10. Kim, H.; Zheng, J.*; Babu, P.; Kumar, S.; Tee, J.; Linga, P.*; Key factors influencing the kinetics of tetra-n-butylammonium bromide hydrate formation as a cold storage and transport material. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 446, 136843.
11. Kim, H.; Zheng, J.*; Yin, Z.; Babu, P.; Kumar, S.; Tee, J.; Linga, P.*; Semi-clathrate hydrate slurry as a cold energy storage and transport medium: Rheological study, energy analysis and enhancement by amino acid. Energy, 2023, 264, 126226.
12. Liu Z., Zheng J.*, Wang Z., Gao Y., Sun B.*, Liao Y. and Linga P.*; Effect of clay on methane hydrate formation and dissociation in sediment: Implications for energy recovery from clayey-sandy hydrate reservoirs. Applied Energy, 2023, 341: 121064. (获第十届国际气体水合物大会最佳墙报奖)
13. Ouyang Q.; Zheng J.*; Pandey J. S.; von Solms N.*; Linga P.*; Coupling amino acid injection and slow depressurization with hydrate swapping exploitation: An effective strategy to enhance in-situ CO2 storage in hydrate-bearing sediment. Applied Energy, 2024, 366: 123300. (获第十届国际气体水合物大会最佳墙报奖)
14. Zheng J.#; Zhang Y.#; Zhao L.*; Li H.; Zhao R.; Nie X.; Deng S.; Linga P.*; A hydrate-based post-combustion capture system integrated with cold energy: Thermodynamic analysis, process modeling and energy optimization. Energy Conversion and Management, 2024, 314: 118656.
15. Lan X.; Chen J.*; Li D.; Zheng J.*; Linga P.*; Gas storage via clathrate hydrates: Advances, challenges, and prospects. Gas Science and Engineering, 2024, 129: 205388.